A very lovely day

Today was a nice day. I don't work Tuesdays, so I spent the day in SL. I logged on and was quickly greeted by some librarians that had stopped by. I chatted for most of the afternoon with passerbys and librarians. There was pretty much at least one other person in the library at all times. I don't know if I would call this busy or slow :).
For a little part of the afternoon, I decided to go try to attend a class at New Haven. I wasn't able to find a class, but I was shocked to be recognized. Many people commented that that there was that librarian. I invited them to come to the library anytime, and gave information about our blog, our location, and our flickr group.
This morning I talked with Namro Orman from the Netherlands. He is a blogger and librarian too. He was intrigued by our set-up. Later he returned when Rain was there, so thankfully she was able to answer his questions much better than I could.
The best thing that happened today was that, while joined with Rex Riel at the Reference Desk, the same two people from last night returned to the library. One of them had attended Zack's presentation, while the other was just tagging along. After looking around the building, she came inside and asked for a specific book. I was able to use World Cat to find where the book was located in her state. I do not know how helpful it really was, but she left very happy.
Great quote from today. in response to how he became a librarian Rex Riel said "me? Well, i love libraries, and all the good hitman jobs were taken so...."
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