Sunday, September 24, 2006

This week at Info island: a glimpse of Info Island II

Author Greyfox Book, Jon Klements in real life, gave a program on his writing on superheroes at the Second Life Library. Approximately 25 people attended.

Reference librarians on Info island are staffing the welcome/reference desk several hours per day to help visitors and answer reference questions. Terminals like these have benn placed around the island so visitors can also ask questions via email or text chat with a librarian via Question Point software. Soon, we hope to place these in other educational locations.

This is new new exhibits building built by Shadow Fugazi on Info Island II. It currently displays the Library of Congress Declaration of Independence and will feature new displays from Library of Congress and other places every few months.

This is the new SL Pantheon Picture House built with funds from Talis Mashing the Library Compeititon prize money. This theater, managed by Thea Donovan will regularly show old time movies and will host other events too. This beautiful building was built by Nubian Bliss. Opening soon. Watch the SL events calendar for events coming up. The last picture is an interior of the lobby of the theater decorated by Abbey Zenith.

Come to the exquisite pyramid of XIBALBA. Drop inside and see the treasures awaiting you built by Usu Venura.

What else is coming for Info Island II?

We are currently working on a Science Center, headed by Hayduke Ebisu. He has assembled a great team of people to bring science information to Second Life.

Our grand opening is October 13-14; more information and a schedule out this week on that. It will be fun.

We hope to have some announcements of some other exciting developments we are working on too to improve library services. If you want to become involved, please contact me-


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